Opening the evening with
prayer we began....
to your Bibles and read the story in Exodus 1:8 - 2:8, Envision the characteristics that you see in this lady, what we,
as influential women should have. In this portrayal we should see what God is like.
MEMORY VERSE: "Now choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love the LORD your God,
listen to his vouce, and hold fast to Him." Deut. 30:19-20
Choice is an awesome responsibility, but we are not left alone to make these choices. 1.God has given us the examples
of women like Eve, Sarah, and Jochebed - who provide both good and bad examples of how to make wise choices
2. God has provided us with His Word to guide us 3. He has given us the avenue of prayer to seek His help
4. He has gifted us with the sisterhood of motherhood --where we can go to each other to share our hurts, our
questions, our victories, and our challenges.
The 7 Characteristics are, ( you will find them on the bulletin board downstairs in potluck room, for those of you on
the internet click underlined WORD), write them down and put them into your life. Be prepared to share about some of the choices you made and the impact they
- Cognizant
- Courageous
- Creative
- Non -Conformist
- Charged ahead
- Co operative
- Committed
Dinner Conversation: What is the greatest challenge one of your children
has faced? OR What is the greatest challenge you’ve faced as a mom? How did you handle it? Here were some of our
in a difficult situation self- talk was used to calm herself down
being a grandmother two times I flipped out, talked to everybody and then calmed down, which probably was not the
best way to handle it, but restored communication prevailed
Another tried the mediating method which worked well
A mom said she would do anything to be the substitute and she gained strength thru God
trials help us understand each other
our kids have taught us to accept people and their relationship with Jesus
Did you see God thru this story? I hope so. Keep watch for the next time for another exciting story of Sarah.
Birthday Time Again:
Laura Reimche- April
Jo Proctor -
April 3
More fun than other grandmas, mine wore a weathered leather mitt for afternoons of backyard catch, baseball
and conversation tossed easily back and forth over freshly mowed grass.
I studied her palms like maps, memorizing their well-traveled roads, then turned them over, stroking their
silky crepe paper.
I traced the paths of pronounced veins, built dams in those bulging rivers, and watched with wonder as
blue tributaries flattened and disappeared only to reappear at my command..
Not believing, I hid my own small hand up next to hers, tried to imagine a time far in the future when
mine, too, might hold such rivers, tried to imagine this time, now, when they do.
For the birthday girls, whether you are a grandma, mom, or friend
April is poetry month also, I noticed while glancing thru the internet,
so here is another nice little one I found in some old fifties book that was laying around in my bookshelves,
Dame Nature’s Recipe.
Take a dozen little clouds
And a patch of blue;
Take a million raindrops,
As many sunbeams, too.
Take a holt of violets,
A wandering of little breeze,
And myriads of little leaves
Dancing on the trees.
Then mix them well together,
In the very quickest way,
Showers and sunshine, birds and flowers,
And you’ll have an April day.
Tomato Quiche Tartlets
2 pkg of mini shells
½ cup finely snipped dried
2 beaten eggs
3 tbsp light cream
1 ½ tsp fresh basil snipped
¾ c shredded Swiss cheese
shells on ungreased baking sheet
dried tomatoes with boiling water for 2 min. Drain well. Add rest of ingred. Spoon 2 tsp mixture into each shell. Bake 325 for 15 minutes.
is a yummy one called ~ Apples with Pistachio-Almond Butter
ahead and chill overnight, bring out to room temperature to serve.
cup pistachio nuts, blanched almonds, butter, 2 tbsp honey, 1 tsp finely shredded orange peel, 3 tbsp orange juice. Process
in blender. Serve with sliced oranges, apples, or pear wedges.
Ladies: Next meeting - April 17. We will see what the weather is like to go to Ross
Lake for Bird Watching. There will be a blurb in the bulletin for any info on this.
Yes! What did we do as Partners this past month----we phoned, and made phone
calls, and did some phoning, invited some over for Sabbath dinner and Charlotte
was taken out for dinner. Sounds like an idea for next month too. Keep in touch with each other and know that any little thing is appreciated. Which reminds me I better phone Alice!!